Mirame Arts e.V. and the World ME Alliance announce that we, a dedicated non-profit organization for ME/CFS from Germany, have joined their member ranks.

Mirame Arts e.V. is thrilled to announce our membership in the World ME Alliance, marking a significant milestone in our journey to support and advocate for individuals with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) and Post-Covid conditions. Joining forces with organizations from over 20 countries, we are now part of the largest alliance for ME/CFS. We are united in our mission to drive global awareness, research, and support for those affected by these debilitating conditions.

Our collaboration with the World ME Alliance reflects our deep commitment to the ME/CFS community within Germany and internationally. We have long admired the Alliance's dedication to creating a unified voice for ME/CFS advocacy and are honored to contribute to this collective effort. Our work with the Alliance, particularly in supporting the development of World ME Day 2024 plans, underscores our shared vision for a future where ME is widely recognized, adequately funded, and effectively treated.

Martin Hippe, co-founder of Mirame Arts and our representative at the World ME Alliance, expressed his enthusiasm for this partnership: "For us, membership of the World ME Alliance is the next important step towards our goal of creating fair and humane structures in poorer countries, raising international awareness of M.E. through artistic content and also representing German patient interests worldwide. We strive to work closely with our international partners from 20 countries. We hope to strengthen networks in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and other German-speaking nations to raise awareness of the importance of international networking among all patient organizations in these countries. We are looking forward to the new tasks."

Our initiatives, such as the "OWL 4 ME" project, have already demonstrated the power of creative engagement, successfully raising over €7,000 for the ME/CFS Research Foundation in Germany. This project is just one example of how we leverage innovative solutions and media to illuminate the challenges faced by those with ME/CFS, fostering a better understanding and driving research across various sectors.

Sian Leary, Head of Advocacy and Communications at the World ME Alliance, shared her excitement about our collaboration: “We love Mirame Arts' focus on creativity as a way to provoke emotion and consequently understanding. They are full of brilliant ideas for improving the quality of media we in the ME advocacy world can produce, and we are really looking forward to upping our game together.”

By joining the World ME Alliance, we expand our reach and deepen our impact, contributing to a global effort to improve the lives of millions living with ME. This partnership is a testament to our belief in the power of collaboration and innovation to enact meaningful change.

We invite you to learn more about our work and join us in this vital cause. For more information about Mirame Arts and our impactful projects, please visit our website or connect with us on Instagram, X (Twitter), and LinkedIn. Together, with the World ME Alliance and its member organizations, we move closer to a world free from ME.

As the World ME Alliance grows, we encourage other national ME organizations to explore the opportunity to join this transformative alliance. Together, we can make a difference.


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Martin Hippe